Taking over the domain
Thierry Hellin, Owner, Roche des Bancs
The estate was acquired on 1 October 2020. It was previously called Domaine des Fossiles. It has been created by Jean-Claude Berthillot for 30 years. The result is splendid, as we explain in the other pages of the site. We, Sophie Barcella and Thierry Hellin, have taken over the estate since then and will be accompanied for more than a year by Jean-Claude Berthillot, his kindness, his energy and knowledge, his knowledge of the terroir, of each row of vines, and his permanent enthusiasm.
Our objective is to consolidate and further develop what Jean-Claude has built. We will invest in his estate and gradually make it our own. The first projects consist of investing in new equipment to perfect the weeding of the vines and the organisation of the rows. The emphasis will also be placed on working the soil: soil analysis, organic or bio-dynamic supplements, ploughing, de-cultivation, etc.
We are buying up some plots and will be planting them next spring. And a new winery should be built within two years. Concerning the wine itself, we will be surrounded, in addition to Jean-Claude, by the best oenologist and blenders to further improve the quality of our wines. A commercial website has been up and running since the opening and distribution will be expanded, modernised and upgraded with the support of an ambitious marketing and communication strategy.